Need to know something?

After over 35 years, Captain Mike has seen and heard it all, and is the best person to ask if you have any other queries. His knowledge of fishing on Lake Michigan is unrivaled! Please contact us or send a Facebook message with your question – we’d love to help you.
Do you guarantee fish?
By far one of the most frequently asked charter boat questions that we get. No, we do not, because there is no Boat or Captain that can “guarantee” they can catch a fish each and every time they go fishing. What those guarantees really are, are simply an offer to bring you back out fishing again in the rare chance that zero fish are caught during your trip. Since this happens so infrequently, we feel it is used as a marketing ploy more than anything else. Because no one likes to work for free, those guarantees come with enough fine print to keep an attorney busy. You have to leave the dock when they say, it has to be a complete trip, etc, etc. What we do is guarantee to do the best job possible and our long client list proves that.
How long have you been doing this?
Can we smoke on the boat?
Would you mind if we use just a little bit of any illegal drug onboard?
Referring to one or more of the many gauges and instruments on the dashboard, “What does that do?”
What kind of fish will we catch?
Can we catch and release the fish?
Can we help set the lines?
Can we bring along our own rods, reels and tackle?
Where do you get your equipment?
What happens if we dropped one of the rods in the water?
Do you live on the boat?
If I’m tired or not feeling well can I go down below and take a nap?
What boat is it?
Does the boat belong to you?
Do you allow alcoholic beverages on the boat?
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